Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Just a Ducky Little Bathroom

While remodeling my dollhouse I came across a small plastic duck and thought it might be cute to redo my bath nice bright colors. I started with making a shower.

I used store bought tile sheets (in the mini isle) and shaped, cut, and glued my stall. I added a floor and made a base board out of cardboard and painted it. The drain is just something I found. I then made a wire shower curtain from floral wire and glued it into earring backings. The curtain is out of plastic table cloth with jump rings so I can attach it to the wire and eventually slide the curtain closed for some privacy.  I then attached it to the stall with glue. My fish are just metal finding I came across in my junk bucket. The shower head is from the trash. My husband was putting a model car together and after he takes all his parts off of the molds he was about to toss it away. Hey... I'll have that! I tend to say that a lot around the trash can. So I took a piece and drilled a hole into the tile and attached it. It was already painted silver so that was that. Now for finding a shower head that will look right. The shower head is from a Vapor cigarette coil. After they burn out they are also tossed. Hey... I'll have that too!

After I finished the shower I added "rain" water to the head. The shower caddy is made from floral wire and the soap dish is a shell with clay molded soap.

The Just Ducky Rugs and cover were handmade. Soap bubble container was made from a painted vitamin capsule and beads were added for the bubble look. Towels were cut from baby washcloths. 

Notice the towel rack. Made from earring backs and wire.

The mischievous little kitty has toilet paper stuck to it's paws. I'll have to clean it up again. That's the 3rd time today she's drug that toilet paper roll around. Now it looks like she's watching the tiny boat floating in the bubbles.

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